Multilingual Resources

If you have COVID-19 questions, call (808) 586-8332 Monday through Friday from 7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and ask for an interpreter in your language.

Featured Resources

Isolation and Exposure (people with COVID-19 or exposed to COVID-19)

Identifying and Talking to Your Close Contacts
Positive COVID-19 Test - Severely Ill or Weakened Immune System
Positive COVID-19 Test - Moderately Ill
Positive COVID-19 Test - No Symptoms
Don't wait. Isolate.

School (prevention strategies, isolation, and quarantine)


Protection for Each Level
No Mask Shaming
Mask Effectiveness
Choose the Right Mask
Feeling Sick? Stay Home
Take care of your Mental Health
Wash hands or sanitize them thoroughly at least 20 seconds

COVID Treatments

Vaccination (primary series, booster doses, vaccination card request) 

Smallest Dose, Smallest Needle
Keiki Under 5 Vaccine Dose ver. 2
Keiki Under 5 Vaccine Dose ver. 1
Age 5-11 Boosters
Process to Request a Replacement Vaccination Card
COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects
Keiki Vaccine Dose
Vaccines Protect Against COVID-19 Reinfection
Don't wait. Vaccinate
COVID-19 Spreads Fast. Protect yourself and your family


Home Care
